O Portugal Democrático: uma resistência pertinaz

  • Douglas Mansur da Silva


The making and the way of political performance of the immigrants' nucleus and Portuguese exiles that, in different moments, they constituted Portugal Democrático (an antisalazarist newspaper published from São Paulo between 1956 and 1975), itwill be contextualized through the following phases: 1) integration: about rhe reasons of the departure of Portugal and rhe inicial insert in the Brazilian society; 2) new groups: rhe arrival ofnew and expressive political and incellectual leaderships rhat composed an internacional nec of changes among rhe ancisalazariscas; 3) unificacion of che tendencies: rhe scissions and "units" among rhe antisalazarisras around the colonial subject and of rhe política! praxis; 4) 1964, alteration of the polirical context: rhe organization of the newspaper afcer the Brazilian military coup.


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How to Cite
Mansur da Silva, D. (2002). O Portugal Democrático: uma resistência pertinaz . Converência Lusíada, 17(19), 108-119. Retrieved from https://www.convergencialusiada.com.br/rcl/article/view/771
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