Blimunda Sete-Luas: lucidity in opacity?

  • Vanessa Ribeiro Teixeira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Keywords: José Saramago, Memorial do Convento, Blimunda Sete-Luas, Édouard Glissant, Opacidade


Starting from Édouard Glissant’s reflections in “For opacity”, I evoke Blimunda Sete-Luas, protagonist character of the Memorial do Conven­to, as the one who appears bringing light to the hidden spaces of History, marginalized by the Laws of their time and space, but respecting them the secret, because the secret for the oppressed of History is survival stra­tegy. My hypothesis is that the relationship between Blimunda’s unique vision and the right to opacity as a practice of freedom and well-being can be seen through the way in which the character constructs her love relationship with Baltasar Sete-Sóis.


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Author Biography

Vanessa Ribeiro Teixeira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Professora Adjunta e Supervisora do Setor de Literaturas Africanas de Língua Portuguesa da Faculdade de Le­tras da UFRJ.


GLISSANT, Édouard. Para a opacidade. In:---. Poética da relação. Rio de Janeiro: Bazar do Tempo, 2021, p. 219-225.

SARAMAGO, José. Memorial do Convento. São Paulo: DIFEL, 1983.

How to Cite
Teixeira, V. R. (2023). Blimunda Sete-Luas: lucidity in opacity?. Converência Lusíada, 34(Esp.), 92-99.